Red Rock Rose Cistus organic mother tincture...
Red Rock Rose Cistus organic mother tincture...
Red Rock Rose Cistus organic mother tincture...
Red Rock Rose Cistus organic mother tincture...
Red Rock Rose Cistus organic mother tincture drops or spray | CISTUS INCANUS BIO
Red Rock Rose Cistus organic mother tincture drops or spray | CISTUS INCANUS BIO
Red Rock Rose Cistus organic mother tincture drops or spray | CISTUS INCANUS BIO
Red Rock Rose Cistus organic mother tincture drops or spray | CISTUS INCANUS BIO

Red Rock Rose Cistus organic mother tincture drops or spray | CISTUS INCANUS BIO

CISTUS INCANUS BIO - Red Rock Rose mother tincture

8 Reviews
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Holistic mother tincture of Italian Cistus also known as Red Rock Rose. Freshly harvested and dynamically extracted by hand. Rich in natural polyphenols and antioxidant components. Cistus is used in traditional medicine for flu-like infections, for the elimination of heavy metals and for treatment of the Lyme disease (alo known as borreliosis)

🍀 Premium quality: we harvest our Cistus fresh for optimal active principles
🍀 Organic certified, vegan, GMO and sugar free, naturally gluten free
🌺 100% grown and handcrafted in Italy
Directly from the manufacturer, originally packed and sealed
For quality-conscious users and professionals, therapists and doctors

Kostenloser Versand ab 99
fur Deutschland, Osterreich, Italien

Choose the size you want

  • 50 ml pipette dropper
  • 50 ml spray
  • 30 ml spray
  • 1000 ml bottle
  • 1000 ml filling kit with 20x 50 ml dropper + individ. labels
  • 1000 ml filling kit with 20x 50 ml spray + individ. labels
  • 1000 ml filling kit with 33x 30 ml dropper + individ. labels

Discount: Take more, Pay less

Quantity Unit discount You Save
2 3% €1.61
3 6% €4.84
6 9% €14.53
12 12% €38.74
24 15% €96.84

Revitalconcept products are designed for professional users who rely on the highest quality

For patients, therapists, doctors, veterinarians and pharmacists

All products are developed by us and manufactured in a certified laboratory. During the harvest, our founder Rita Roman is always on site,inspects and harvests our alpine herbs. All herbs, including those of selected organic farmers and game collectors, are processed fresh to preserve the volatile essentials. The drying of the herbs for our tea mixtures is done gently at low temperature below 40° C. The products are filled and packagedby hand by us. So we have full control from cultivation to harvest ing.

100% pure, unadulterated and undiluted

We attach great importance to ensuring that every product has exactly what is on the label. Our products and tinctures are manufactured according to drug quality. We also ensure maximum active ingredient contentin the gentle processing to tincture, in which we use our newly developed process of dynamic cold maceration. We never dilute our funds, because we want to maintain the maximum quality. Also, our extracts and herbal teas are not blended with cheap goods from abroad. Why are we emphasizing this so emphatically? Unfortunately, it has been happening again and again lately that other suppliers dilute high-quality tinctures in their own filling with water. We don't think this is fair, so we only have original packaged goods with seals.


We mainly use plants and basic materials produced in Italy. There is a proof of originon each package, and on our website we inform users where which plant is grown. Even in the case of quite exotic plants, such as .B. curcuma, ginger, green tea, red root, andrographis or caffee, we try to cultivate these plants through our own breeding program in Italy. These plants will be available to us directly in the coming years.

Organic & Vegan

Almost all products of the Revitalconcept come from organic farming or approved game collection in nature reserves and are vegan. Non-vegan products based on honey, wax, propolis or milk .B are shown separately. As a Revitalconcept, we do not do any animal testing withour products. Special veterinary clinics use our exclusive products for research purposes: e.B. Cistus Incanus extract for the cure of HIV in cats, Artemisia Annua for the treatment of cancer in dogs or horses.

Ecological and Sustainable

It is very important to us that agriculture is environmentally sustainable and that we treat our farmers responsibly and fairly. So we only manage small areas and provide for a 7-field economy. We stay away from monocultures and appreciate that nature - especially on the Italian Islands - gives us so many medicinal plants from game collection. We harvest only the young shoots in these plants in meticulous manual work and thus promote sustainable growth. This is also the reason why our herbal teas with cistrose taste so particularly good. With our uniquely high quality, we stand out from cheap goods from abroad. We also deal with packaging sustainably. We largely dispense with plastic packaging and use packaging and cartons as best we can.

If you want to see directly how we grow our plants, then you should definitely visit us personally in South Tyrol/Trentino.

Personally there for you, warmly recommended by doctors and therapists

There is certainly a good reason why our products are recommended by renowned therapists and physicians such as Dr. Klinghardt and Dr. Kofler, and why we supply some of the most well-known companies in the healthcare industry. They appreciate our unique quality, sustainability, honesty and authenticity. If you have any questions or suggestions about our products, you can call us personally. We speak fluent German, Italian and English.
Germany +49 8341 7155327 or Mobiltel. +49 176 466 52319
Austria +43 720 229077
Switzerland +41 43 5080880
Italy +39 0471 166 0101 or Mobile. +39 392 678 8880

Use of products and storage

Our instructions for use are only recommendations that result from our own experience, the herbalism of our founder Rita and the feedback from many therapists. If you are a user or patient, seek advice from an expert, therapist, doctor or pharmacist before taking it. Never exceed our instructions or recommendations for consumption without consulting your therapist, doctor or pharmacist (see label). Also, always observe the warnings and the contraindications. If you are allergic or sensitive to any of the ingredients, you should not take the product and consult a doctor or pharmacist immediately.
The products should always be kept dark and dry, inaccessible to children. If the products contain more than 15% alcohol, it is also possible to exceed the best-before date. However, this is in the company's own measurement and responsibility. Herbal teas should be closed again if possible after use in order to preserve the special aroma of our herbs. Tea pyramids can be re-brewed up to 2 times, but should be stored dry and airy between the individual brewing processes. Fresh goods and bottled products with a shortened shelf life, such as .B. soft drinks, should be stored primarily in the refrigerator after opening. Our hand-stirred hand soaps should be placed dry on a grid or perforated shell after application to extend the shelf life.

ALCOHOLIC EXTRACTS:RevitalconceptA practical solution is to dilute the agents in water, tea or hot drinks so that the alcohol becomes volatile. Consumption of alcoholic beverages during pregnancy can have serious consequences for the health of the child, even in small amounts.

DIETARY SUPPLEMENTS: If our products are advertised as dietary supplements, then you should not exceed the recommended daily amount. Dietary supplements are not a substitute for a balanced and varied diet. Keep out of reach of children under 3 years of age. Store in a cool, dry and light-proof way. The best-before date refers to an unopened container.

NOVEL-FOOD RICHTLINIE:Revitalconcept herbs grown and processed are currently classified as novel foods by the EU. Such products are subject to special rules and may not have been approved as food by the EU. These products are designated separately by us and are mainly only approved for cosmetic professional use. These products are therefore not officially organic, even if they come from our own organic farming and grown according to biological criteria.

OFF-LABEL USE means the regulation of a natural remedy or medicinal product outside the use authorised by the relevant authority. The use may differ from the approval of the product in the application area or type of application. This often applies to funds that have not yet been approved in the EU or are on the novel food list. In many medical or veterinary fields, a large part of the medicines, cosmetics or natural remedies are used off-label, especially pediatrics and oncology as well as veterinary medicine. Treating therapists, doctors, veterinarians and pharmacists should mandatory check the individual remedies for your patients before releasing off-label uses. The treating therapists, doctors and veterinarians are liable for the medical correctness as well as for possible side effects in case of off-label use. The medical societies recommend that off-label regulations be carried out only on the basis of valid guidelines, recommendations or recognised scientific literature. Additional requirements are also placed on educating patients.

You are already registered with us as a therapist, doctor or pharmacist?

Then simply log in at the top right and you will receive directly discounted gross / or net prices displayed.

Are you a therapist, doctor or pharmacist? Then we offer you interesting shopping opportunities

We are happy to support you in your important work and look forward to a long-term cooperation. In this way, you will receive attractive special conditions on our high-quality funds. Please send us an e-mail with your contact details together with a proof (medical practitioner's certificate, doctor's card) to We will then contact you immediately and activate your therapist or doctor discount. If you are a pharmacist or entrepreneur, please also send us your commercial register statement and your UID (VAT identification number), then you will also receive a VAT-free invoice.

Once they are unlocked, you will see your discounted prices directly on the website after you have logged in. If you first log in to the shopping cart, the corresponding discounts will be credited there. If you have any questions, you can contact us personally at +39 392 678 8880 or +49 176 466 52319.

Private label

Would you like to equip your own brand with high-quality products recommended by well-known doctors and therapists? Then call us personally on +49 176 466 52319 or +39 392 678 8880. We have attractive private label prices from 100 pieces per product and support you from the development of individual formulas and mixtures to legally compliant labelling and dietary supplement registration.

Off-label use means the regulation of a natural remedy or medicinal product outside the use authorised by the appropriate authority. The use may differ from the approval of the product in the application area or type of application. This often applies to funds that have not yet been approved in the EU or are on the novel food list. In many medical or veterinary fields, a large part of the medicines, cosmetics or natural remedies are used off-label, especially pediatrics and oncology as well as veterinary medicine. Treating therapists, doctors, veterinarians and pharmacists should mandatory check the individual remedies for your patients before releasing off-label uses. The treating therapists, doctors and veterinarians are liable for the medical correctness as well as for possible side effects in case of off-label use. The medical societies recommend that off-label regulations be carried out only on the basis of valid guidelines, recommendations or recognised scientific literature. Additional requirements are also placed on educating patients.
8 Reviews

Optimale Qualität!
Ich selbst nutze die Rote Zistrose Urtinktur, um gegen Husten und Erkältungen besser vorbeugen zu können. Nicht nur in der kalten Jahreszeit ist eine Unterstützung des Immunsystems wichtig. Des Weiteren nutze ich diese natürlichen Stoffe, wenn es um Themen wie Entzündungshemmung, antivirale, antimikrobielle und/oder antibakterielle Wirkungen geht. Die Zistrose Urtinktur von Revitalconzept glänzt durch kontrolliert hochwertige Inhaltsstoffe und ist deshalb auch in meiner eigenen „Hausapotheke“ immer zu finden.
Energiereiche Grüße,
Bernd Stößlein
By Bernd Stößlein on 2023-01-24

sehr gute Qualität - schnelle Lieferung
Cistus incanus BIO verwende ich gerne bei der Therapie von Chronischer Borreliose, Grippalen Infekten, zur Darmsanierung bei meinen Patienten. Ich bestelle regelmäßig neben der Zistrosentinktur viele verschiedene Urtinkturen bei Revitalconcept, weil ich die Qualität der Tinkturen und den schnellen Lieferservice super finde. Ein besonders gutes Wirkspektrum hat der Einjährige Beifuß von Revital - er überzeugt bei verschiedenen Infekterregern, z.B. Borrelien, Parasiten.. wo Artemesia anua - Tinkturen und Tee´s, die mir Patienten mitbringen keine Wirkung beim EAV-Test zeigen.
By Harald Herrmann - Naturheilpraxis on 2023-01-21

sehr gute Qualität
Die Qualität dieser Tinktur ist sehr gut, da gibt es kaum mehr zu sagen. Kaufe ich immer wieder.
By ER on 2023-01-20

Begeistert von den Ergebnissen
Ich habe Cistus Incanus Urtinktur ausprobiert und bin begeistert von den Ergebnissen! Ich habe es genommen, um mein Immunsystem zu stärken und ich habe definitiv das Gefühl, dass es geholfen hat, meine Erkältungen und Atemwegserkrankungen zu reduzieren. Ich finde, dass es auch eine beruhigende Wirkung auf meine Atemwege hat und ich habe weniger Husten und Verstopfung. Ich schätze auch, dass es ein natürliches Präparat ist und ich keine Nebenwirkungen bemerkt habe. Ich werde auf jeden Fall weiter Cistus Incanus Urtinktur verwenden und es jedem empfehlen, der auf der Suche nach einem natürlichen Weg ist, um sein Immunsystem zu stärken.
By Lena G. on 2023-01-19

Soddisfatta e veloce
Sono soddisfatta della consegna, la tintura madre di cisto rosso è arrivata molto velocemente! molto soddisfacente.
By Michi on 2022-07-17

Wunde bestens verheilt
Hatte mich im Garten am Finger verletzt. Die Wunde wurde stark gerötet bis bläulich und der Finger war pochend geschwollen und schmerzte so, dass ich in der Nacht nicht schlafen konnte. Nachdem ich 2 Tropfen der Zistrosen-Tinktur auf die Wunde geträufelt hatte, war sie am nächsten morgen verheilt!!
By Susanne Fischer on 2021-03-20

Dankbar für Cystus Tinktur
Diese Tinktur ist fantastisch. Ich habe sie nun schon mehrfach gekauft und auch meinen Patienten verschreibe ich sie gerne, da sie genau so wirkt, wie man es erwartet.
By Gerhard M. on 2021-02-06

Gut für mich und meine Borriolose
Mir wurde Zistrose schon vor Jahren als Tinktur und als Tee von einem Heilpraktiker empfohlen. Zistrose kann durch bestimmte Inhaltsstoffe die Borellien im Körper unschädlich machen und hilft diese auszuschwemmen. Außerdem trinke ich laufend Zistrosen-Tee bei Erkältungskrankheiten, denn da spürt man gleich danach dass es einfach hilft! Ich nehme deshalb Zistrose das ganze Jahr über ein, sowohl als Tinktur vor den Mahlzeiten als 2 Tassen Tee. Gut finde ich, dass ich hier wirklich selbst gemachte Zistrose erhalte. Den Geschmack vom Tee finde ich ebenfalls besser und nicht so bitter wie den Cistus aus Grichenland. Es ist schade, daß diese Zistrose noch so unbekannt ist. Vielen Dank dafür!
By Conni G. on 2020-11-06

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